Amenities for Your Pleasure & Convenience
We want you to enjoy your stay here and we have provided the amenities to make your visit a happy and pleasurable one for your whole family or group...
Gas On-The-Water ∙ Convenient Store ∙ Fish Cleaning Facility ∙ Swimming ∙ Restroom ∙ Hot Showers ∙ Gathering Room ∙ Playground ∙ Boat Rentals ∙ Boat Marina ∙ Laundry Mat
The Marina...
Our 10 covered boat stalls offer the convenience of having your boat in the water and ready to go at any time. Additionally, electricity is provided for battery charging and lighting for the times when you want to leave really early or get back after dark. Since there is a breakwater in the front, you can rest as serenely knowing your boat will be safe even when the lake gets choppy. The paved boat launch assures you can always get your boat in and out easily.
2 Boat Ramps...
We have one ramp in the back of the property and a second launch ramp along with a large parking area across the highway from our main site. Our new ramp allows launching clear down to a lake level of 157 MSL!!

The Store...
Our store is open year-round, daylight 'till dark for your convenience. Our grill serves breakfast and lunch (snacks, too!) and the store provides an array of snacks, soft drinks, some groceries, and a complement of convenience items. We also offer fishing equipment, tackle, and bait (live minnows, crickets, worms - frozen shad, shrimp, etc.).

'Gathering Room' - Rec Room...
Able to accommodate about 50 people, our 'Gathering Room' is a great place for your group to get together. Ample kitchen facilities make this a perfect gathering spot for reunions or other groups, too.